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About MACA
About Our Organization
The Missouri Association for Court Administration (MACA) was founded on May 14, 1986 in Columbia, Missouri by Lynn Askew- Lee’s Summit, Rita Bovinett- Dellwood, Lewis Collins- Retired, Donna Johnson- Overland, Sarah Neal- Lee’s Summit, Lisa Thomson- Jennings and Jay Wood, OSCA and has grown into the largest organization of court management professionals in the state.
An Executive Board supervises the affairs of the Association, takes measures for its growth, and carries out its purpose. The Executive Board transacts all business of the Association and present reports at the Annual Meeting of the membership. Seven Officers and nine Directors who have been elected by the membership of the Association make up the Executive Board. Policy and Procedures and By Laws govern the board. Published minutes of all Association meetings are also provided by the Executive Board.
The President of the Association creates standing committees to carry out the work of the Association. The standing committees include: By Laws, Nominations, Membership, Education, Legislation, Publications, Technology and Automation, Vendors, Professional Development, and Social.
There are numerous ways to become more involved with MACA. Opportunities such as being on the Executive Board, becoming a member of a standing committee, or serving as a volunteer at a seminar are available.
Code of Ethics Pledge
As a member of the Missouri Association for Court Administration I solemnly pledge:
That, as a judicial employee, I will strive to uphold the policy of the Judges and will be loyal and respectful,
That I will always conduct myself in a manner to reflect the dignity and humanity of my profession,
That I will maintain the confidential nature of my position,
That I will respect my position of trust and will maintain unquestionable honesty and integrity,
That I will endeavor, by constant pursuit of educational programs, to increase the knowledge that is necessary to enhance my profession,
That I will serve the Public with constancy, regardless of sex, race or creed and uphold the Constitution of The United States; the Laws of The United States; the Laws of The State of Missouri; and the Ordinances of The City.
To enhance the public’s trust and confidence in the Courts through developing and promoting the professionalism of court Administrators and other court officials, with similar duties, by offering quality professional development conferences, seminars, consultation and networking.
A public that has total trust and confidence in the Courts.
Value Statements
Access to Justice
The Courts should be open and accessible. Courts must eliminate all geographic, economic and procedural barriers to its services.
Expedition and Timeliness
The Courts should meet its responsibilities to everyone affected by its actions and activities in a timely and expeditious manner that does not cause or allow delay.
Equality, Fairness, and Integrity
The Courts should provide due process and equal protection of the law to all whom has business before them, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions. Equality and fairness demand equal justice under the law.
Independence and Accountability
The Courts must establish their legal and organizational boundaries, monitor and control their operations, and account publicly for their performance. Independence and accountability as a distinct and separate branch of government permits government by law, access to justice, and the timely resolution of disputes with equality, fairness, and integrity; and they engender public trust and confidence.
Public Trust and Confidence
Public trust and confidence in the Courts should stem from the direct experience of citizens with the Courts.